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Friday, October 13, 2006

The Himalayan Yeti (Brown Bear)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006The Himalayan brown bear (Denmo) is a very robust animal inhabiting hills and valleys of the Hindu-Kush Himalayan region. They have large body with powerful limbs that terminate in broad paws with five non-retractable claws, which are mainly used for ripping and digging. The animals have tapering muzzle and round ears, and have excellent senses of smell and hearing. They have dense, shaggy fur, which is dark brown sometimes with a silver tinge. The males are bulkier than the females, and weigh up to 200 kgs.Brown bears can walk on their hindfeet, and leave gigantic and almost human-like footprints. According to its believers, even the Himalayan Yeti leaves a large human like imprint in the snow. A Japanese researcher, working in Nepal and Bhutan for more than a decade, trying to bust the myth of the Yeti opines that the Himalayan Yeti or the abominable snowman is nothing more than a Himalayan brown bear, although efforts are still on to shed further light on this.


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